Thor 2: The Dark World:アイスランドでの撮影終了
Reykjavik, Iceland - Filming finished for Thor 2: The Dark World
アイスランドの外国向け観光ニュースに、同国でのThor2の撮影が終わったらしいとの知らせが掲載されていました。アイスランドの映画制作会社(ロケ誘致もしてるのかな?)、True NorthのCEO、レイファー・ダグフィンソン氏が地元メディアに伝えたとのこと。たぶんほかの撮影自体はまだ続いているんでしょうね。
2012 has been a busy year for film makers in Iceland. They have had a full season of assisting the bigger foreign companies. Thor was the fourth Hollywood movie filmed in Iceland this year.
Before Thor 2, Tom Cruise was here to film Oblivion, Russell Crowe & Jennifer Connelly were here for Noah and Ben Stillers Secret life of Walter Mitty was also filmed in Iceland.
「Thor2の前には、Oblivionの撮影でトム・クルーズがやってきたし、Noahでラッセル・クロウとジェニファー・コネリー、Secret life of Walter Mittyのベン・スティラーもアイスランドを訪れた」
According to our sources one of the biggest fighting scenes for Thor was filmed here in Iceland...
We have three confirmed locations of where the movie was filmed in Iceland, Skogarfoss, Thorsmork and Fjaðrargljufur.
When following people discussions on the social media I noticed that many seem to be think that Skogarfoss is the same waterfall as was used in the beginning of the movie Promotheus, where life began. This is however incorrect. The waterfall in Promotheus is another waterfall in Iceland and is called Dettifoss.
『LOST』『G.I.ジョー』)が、スパリゾートのBlue Lagoonで泥パックを楽しんでる写真をツイートしてました。
アイスランドの外国向け観光ニュースに、同国でのThor2の撮影が終わったらしいとの知らせが掲載されていました。アイスランドの映画制作会社(ロケ誘致もしてるのかな?)、True NorthのCEO、レイファー・ダグフィンソン氏が地元メディアに伝えたとのこと。たぶんほかの撮影自体はまだ続いているんでしょうね。
2012 has been a busy year for film makers in Iceland. They have had a full season of assisting the bigger foreign companies. Thor was the fourth Hollywood movie filmed in Iceland this year.
Before Thor 2, Tom Cruise was here to film Oblivion, Russell Crowe & Jennifer Connelly were here for Noah and Ben Stillers Secret life of Walter Mitty was also filmed in Iceland.
「Thor2の前には、Oblivionの撮影でトム・クルーズがやってきたし、Noahでラッセル・クロウとジェニファー・コネリー、Secret life of Walter Mittyのベン・スティラーもアイスランドを訪れた」
According to our sources one of the biggest fighting scenes for Thor was filmed here in Iceland...
We have three confirmed locations of where the movie was filmed in Iceland, Skogarfoss, Thorsmork and Fjaðrargljufur.
When following people discussions on the social media I noticed that many seem to be think that Skogarfoss is the same waterfall as was used in the beginning of the movie Promotheus, where life began. This is however incorrect. The waterfall in Promotheus is another waterfall in Iceland and is called Dettifoss.
『LOST』『G.I.ジョー』)が、スパリゾートのBlue Lagoonで泥パックを楽しんでる写真をツイートしてました。